Other Services
Live Painting
I love to come to events and festivals to paint free standing murals that people can take photos in front of! It's super entertaining for everyone attending and they can take photos with the backdrop once it's done!
Photo Backdrop/Freestanding Murals
I paint custom photo backdrops for events, weddings, conferences, anniversaries, etc. Having a free standing mural at your event gets guests involved, and helps to set the mood of the event!
Art Licensing and Commissions
If you're looking for artwork to put on greeting cards, water bottles, t-shirts, and other products I have designs that are ready to go for you to license and use, or I can create custom designs just for you! I do custom illustrations for social media, flyers, postcards, business cards, stickers, books, and anything else you can think of!
Prints and Stickers
I do sell prints of my work and fun stickers! My shop is not currently up, however if you message me, email me, or contact me through social media I'm happy to show you what I have available for purchase!